Groove3 Virtual Guitarist CARBON Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | Jan 22 2020 | 130 MB


Studio software expert Eli Krantzberg shows you everything you need to know to start using the UJAM Virtual Guitarist CARBON instrument quickly and easily, as well as all of its features and functions. These videos are designed for new UJAM Virtual Guitarist CARBON users who want to make killer cinematic guitar tracks!

Eli welcomes you and gives an in-depth introduction to the Virtual Guitarist CARBON user interface as well as all of its main features and general controls. Next, you'll discover and explore the palette of stock muted and sustained phrases available for triggering, followed by how to work with Style Phrases to create interesting and realistic guitar parts.

Moving on, you'll learn how CARBON is played like a real guitar by switching articulations with varying degrees of mutes and sustains, triggering phrases of repeated notes, or rapid fire shred licks, as well as how dragging and dropping style phrases into your DAW combines the best of both Player and Instrument Modes.

Throughout the rest of the CARBON video tutorials you'll learn all about the Finisher, Layerer and and how to use Amp Stacks which are designed by combining virtual processors, distortion stages, amp cabinets, and customized algorithms, including hearing the results of turning up the distortion inside the multiple amp stages using the Severity knob, and more!

To see what these enlightening UJAM Virtual Guitarist CARBON tutorials show you, and how they'll help you to make other-worldly guitar tracks for your productions, see the individual CARBON video tutorial descriptions on this page. Learn everything you need to know about Virtual Guitarist CARBON and start making cool guitar based songs and productions now... Watch "Virtual Guitarist CARBON Explained?" today.


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