Groove3 What Audio Software Should I Get? TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 21 February 2020 | 1.79 GB


Studio guru Adam Pollard brings you a collection of insightful music studio video tutorials! Get helpful insight and information on how and why to choose certain DAWs, plug-ins, and virtual instruments, including studio workflows and solutions. This series is designed for new music studio producers and engineers who want the opinion of an experienced studio producer.

NOTE: No manufacturers sponsored this video series, or were involved in its production. Adam is simply giving you his opinion based on years of studio production work, so it could seem biased and or one-sided at times.

Adam begins with important audio software basic requirements, such as being able to measure loudness, get visual feedback, testing a plug-in for aliasing and its overall quality, the difference between gain and loudness, and how to choose a DAW that's right for you.

Next, you'll get pointers on whether or not you should use multiple DAWs, how to avoid choice paralysis, and why you should use one plug-in instead of five in your mixes. Adam then goes into important workflow and studio solution tutorials that focus on topics like storage options for sample based instruments, how to choose a wavetable synth, should you use EQ and Limiter plug-ins, why drum machines don't always work out best for a track and much more.

To see what these music studio video tutorials show you, and how they can help you make good decisions when purchasing gear and setting up your studio, see the individual music studio tutorial descriptions on this page. If you're ready to start planning which studio software to purchase or add to your production studio, this music studio video series will save you both time and money... Watch “What Audio Software Should I Get?" today!


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