Grossman Guitar Workshop Tom Feldmann Masters of Bottleneck Blues Guitar 2DVD 2012

Publisher: SGGW | English | 1.93/2.31GB | MKV | 41/68 Pgs | ISBN: B008BQ9LG4
MPG2, 720×480, 30.0fps | AC-3, 256.0kbps, 48.0kHz 32bit, 2 channels


Featuring Bobby Grant, Lead Belly, Blind Willie McTell, Barbecue Bob, Curly Weaver, Charley Lincoln, Bo Weavil Jackson, Ramblin' Thomas, Furry Lewis, Peg Leg Howell, King Solomon Hill, Sam Collins, Kokomo Arnold, Tampa Red and Bumble Bee Slim. The blues recorded from the late 1920's thru late 1930's is certainly some of the most vibrant sounds in American music history. It seems that anyone and everyone could and would be recorded which created a catalog of stylistic diversity unmatched to date. The technique of using a slide, whether a metal tube, glass bottleneck or a knife was used by many of these early bluesmen. This lesson offers a look into the players from that era that used this technique. Many had only one or two patterns by which they played but we have the great fortune of gleaning from them all, creating a well rounded grasp of the genre. ..
Tom Feldmann is a master of this style and in these two DVDs, of over four hours, he breaks down the complexities of this way of playing. Songs range from beginner to advanced. Most songs have a mixture of chords and fingered notes in addition to the slide, making this a great lesson for those looking to expand their knowledge of the bottleneck/slide technique as well as the Open D and Open G tunings. A detailed tab/music booklet is included as a PDF file on each DVD. In addition the original recordings of all the tunes are included. Titles Include: OPEN G TUNING: BOBBY GRANT Nappy Headed Blues LEAD BELLY C.C. Rider BLIND WILLIE MCTELL Love Changing Blues BARBECUE BOB Yo Yo Blues CURLEY WEAVER No No Blues CHARLEY LINCOLN Depot Blues BO WEAVIL JACKSON You Can't Keep No Brown OPEN D TUNING: RAMBLIN' THOMAS Shake It Gal FURRY LEWIS Falling Down Blues PEG LEG HOWELL Skin Game Blues KING SOLOMON HILL Down On My Bended Knee SAM COLLINS The Jailhouse Blues KOKOMO ARNOLD Rainy Night Blues TAMPA RED Boogie Woogie Dance BUMBLE BEE SLIM No Woman No Nickel 247 minutes - Level 2/3 - Detailed tab/music PDF file on the DVD

--Bottleneck Blues Songs You Will Learn;
Nappy Headed Blues
C.C. Rider
Love Changing Blues
Yo Yo Blues
No No Blues
Depot Blues
You Can’t Keep No Brown
I Am The Black Ace (Performance only)
Shake It Gel
Falling Down Blues
Skin Game Blues
Down On My Bended Knees
Jail House Blues
Rainy Night Blues
Boogie Woogie Dance
Homesick and Lonesome Blues
No Woman, No Nickel
(or as I like to call it)
(Know Woman, No Nickel - No Woman, Know Nickel)


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