2015 | iOS | 29.3 MB
Guitar Chord+ is from a pure indie developer.
The proper users for this App:
Person who need some chances to strum a guitar.
Person who play guitar and needs to search chords.
Person who need intuitive metronome for not only guitar but also any instrument.
Explanation of app’s function:
Random practice of basic 28 chords for beginner.
Metronome for trainee.
Code searcher for player.
Function that can collect and show your own code.
This is user-oriented app made with more than a hundred 0f feedbacks. As a independent developer, I made this app for quality and ease, not for a company or money. The most valuable feature of it is more than 4000 chords would help you to search your curiosity about the chords in detail. Also, I use beautiful UI to not feel boring when you use this app. That, I insist, is the most beautiful app because I made this app for myself at first.
?Searching Code
In this app, code searching following two ways.
First one is usual text searching that you can see in everywhere. The second one is intuitive text searching. The function of the second one is that just for the touching the guitar board, the exact fret and the chord will be searched. The function what you need is in this app clearly. More than 4000 chords, powerful search function. I’ve been trying to satisfy these two functions and I will advance continuously.
For the beginner
OF course here are 28 chords for the beginner. Simply, for the beginner, giving them a motive is more proper work than showing handy functions. Are you sizzling for playing guitar? Do your heart are full of learning a new instrument? Start the app and Grab your guitar! Just one strumming is already a half done. If you need to memorize some codes while you practicing, just remember you are having this app.
This will be huge help for you.
Requires iOS 5.1.1 or later.
Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
官网: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id791551793