Guitar Scales and Modes Trainer: Melodic Sequences, Intervals, and Arpeggios for the Locrian Mode of the Major Scale

English | January 25, 2015 | ASIN: B00TESIV5K | 153 Pages | PDF (Converted) | 6,49 MB


This book focuses specifically on the Locrian mode of the major scale in its fret board position. This is the seventh mode of the major scale. The complete series is designed to help you learn and memorize the major scale and modes by focusing on each mode position individually, then gradually connecting them together to cover every position of the fret board. Each mode position is explored in depth to gradually develop your technique using scalar melodic sequences, intervals, and arpeggios. For every exercise, music and tablature notation are provided, as well as recommended fret board fingerings.

In order to help you to learn and memorize this specific mode position, a total of 72 lesson exercises are provided. The lesson exercises include:

Mode Sequences: All seven mode sequences are provided within this specific position.

Melodic Sequences: Three and four-note ascending and descending lesson exercises in two challenging variations.

Melodic Intervals: Seven ascending and descending lesson exercises in two challenging variations. This includes 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, 7ths, and Octaves.

Melodic Arpeggio Sequences: Three and four-note ascending and descending lesson exercises in two challenging variations. This includes triad, sixths, and sevenths arpeggio sequences.

Melodic Arpeggios: Three and four-note ascending and descending full arpeggio lesson exercises. This includes triad, sixths, and sevenths arpeggios.


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