Guitarzoom Steve Stines - 10 Classic Rock Solos

P2P | 19 Feb 2017 | 10.07 GB


An Easy Guide To 10 Classic Rock Solos That Will Help You Play Guitar With Confidence And Create Inspiring Solos From Scratch… Do you know that you can play 10 classic rock solos from start to finish by using simple techniques that anyone can master in just a few short weeks? 10 Classic Rock Solos is an in-depth study of legendary rock solos, licks, and techniques that will help any guitarist play


Module 1

How to play the chords and solo for “Killer Queen” by Queen. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define Brian May's style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 2

How to play the chords and solo for “You Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DC. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define Angus Young's style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 3

How to play the chords and solo for “Sweet Child Oa?? Mine” by Guns N Roses. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define Slash's style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 4

How to play the chords and solo for “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define David Gilmour's style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 5

How to play the chords and solo for “Hotel California” by The Eagles. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define each guitarists style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 6

How to play the chords and solo for “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define Jimmy Page's style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 7

How to play the chords and solo for “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynrd. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define each guitarists style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 8

How to play the chords and solo for “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define Randy Rhoadsa?? style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 9

How to play the chords and solo for “Dona??t Stop Believin” by Journey. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define Neil Schon's style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.

Module 10

How to play the chords and solo for “Let It Be” by The Beatles. So you can play the entire song and solo with complete confidence.
Must-know licks and techniques that define each guitarists style, and how to use them to create your own solos.
And a backing track you can practice with.


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