ilfsn | 31 Mins | 623MB
Back in Django Reinhardt's day, you wouldn't find DJs blasting bass-thumping beats from a laptop. It was up to the musicians playing live to get people up out of their seats and on to the dance floor. Musicians had to push and break convention to get people swingin'. With the emergence of Hot Jazz and Swing, there was an explosion of rhythmic variation. Musicians tried out many different ways of playing. The
results were gloriously bouncy and endlessly interesting.
In this follow-up to my Introduction to Gypsy Jazz course, we continue right were we left off and get into basic syncopation and rhythmic variation. We will explore techniques that will help you to start experimenting with simple nuggets of music in order to
create your own musical words and phrases. We will dive right in with a series of exercises which will start to get your solos swingin'!