H.G. Fortune The Dreammachine v2.2 VSTi Win 32 [FREE]

Free | Date: 2023.11.01 | Size: 86 MB


The Art of Flowing Motion
Get it running, lie back, relax and dream endlessly ...

What it is not and what it is:

This not a synthesizer to be played like one would usually play a keyboard synthesizer. Instead is it more a self running machine which can be transposed so this is ideal e.g. to provide backings of complex athmospheres and soundscapes for live performances. And, yes, it is monophonic only.

The concept of the Dreammachine is based on very slow running wavesequencing and modulations. Thus realtime editing is not as one might expect it. - This is a machine for slow motion.

There are three parts: Bottom/Bass, Back/Pad and Sparkles covering the lower, low mid and upper mid frequencies. Each part has got a 24 step sequencer for waveforms to be played in succession. The currently playing waveform and the next in the pipeline are displayed and can be altered temporarily without affecting the sequence list! There is a dedicated Lazy button for the waveforms and a LoopLazy button to get a new set of waveforms automatically after the sequence has finished the 24th step and returns to step 1. Also it is possible to choose random position play thus the waveforms are not played in linear order but instead from a random position though the counter does display the actual step in the sequence.

The Dreammachine V2 features a lot of major enhancements:

Most noticable are the new XY-SuperModulation controls at the three synthparts and the 16 step note sequencer at the bottom. Due to the XY controls the whole control system has been reworked and is providing now a far deeper and more efficient control on shaping the sound. In addition to that the sf2 files had to be reworked too featuring now different wave sets than with prior version. With the new 16 step note sequencer another feature has been added as you can advance now manually using a MIDI kbd. The output sections with delay have beenintegreted to the resp. synthparts. Also there is a new LFO X with 9 complex waveforms.
The Three Synth Parts

These parts are quite identical execpt the Bottom (Bass) part has got a Bass Enhance knob while the other two parts allow Pan settings. Thus the Bottom / Bass is always centered in Pan position what makes sense.

Each part has got it's own tempo control which is set in length of bars. This too provides a good source for variations - setting all parts to the same tempo is possible though but gives far less interesting results.There is also a Mute button, and a Hold button which serves to 'freeze' the currently playing wave until the Hold button is pushed again. Additionally there is also a global Hold button at the Start/Stop control section.

官网: https://hgfortune.neocities.org/?/about

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