Hands Off ! v4.3.0 MAC

29.09.19 / 10,3 MB / MAC


Monitor your computer. Protect your privacy

Hands Off! is an application to monitor and control the access of applications to your network and disks. Being able to monitor the normally unnoticeable activities enables you to make informed decisions regarding the transfer of your private information, hence avoiding confidential information leakage.

Monitoring network connections

When connected to the Internet, applications can send any information stored on your computer to whoever they want without you ever knowing. Using Hands Off!, you can monitor and control Internet connections from all applications as to expose hidden connections and prevent them from sending data or phoning home without your consent.

Monitoring disk access

Applications present on your computer can freely read, store or erase information on your computer without your knowledge. Using Hands Off!, you can monitor and control disk access from all applications as to prevent them from obtaining confidential information, erasing your data or storing cookies.

Try it, it's free and easy

The best way to find out if Hands Off! suits your needs is to download the latest version and try the demonstration mode. Also, make sure you read the Hands Off! tutorial to learn about all the amazing features.

The Hands Off! advantage

Hands Off! has many advanced features which make it much more secure and trustworthy than its competition.

Tested on macOS Mojave 10.14.6 and it work great.

官网: http://www.oneperiodic.com/products/handsoff/

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