Harrison AVA LegacyQ v1.0.2 MacOSX Incl.Patched and Keygen - HEXWARS

AU/VST/VST3 | TEAM HEXWARS | 04.10.2018


The AVA LegacyQ is a plugin version of our original MPC digital equalizer: an EQ that began as a digitally-controlled analog circuit, and was later adapted to digital while being used in ultra high-end post & film facilities worldwide.

Harrison’s reputation for “True Analog In-The-Box” sound is due to our unique development heritage: we first created an analog console processor and then converted the processor to digital while retaining the sound and character of the original analog console.
The new AVA LegacyQ is a plugin version of our original MPC digital equalizer: an EQ that began as a digitally-controlled analog circuit, and was later adapted to digital while being used in ultra high-end post & film facilities worldwide.
Like the original console EQ, the AVA LegacyQ is optimized for use with control surfaces: each band covers a limited range equivalent to its original analog counterpart, and the “Q” shape is designed to optimally match the operating range of a physical knob.
The results are quintessentially “Harrison”: effortless, smooth and transparent.

- Harrison’s first full-featured digital EQ in a plugin format.
- 5 parametric EQ bands with selectable shape.
- 2 filters with selectable shapes
(including Harrison’s wide-bottom notch for fast & accurate repair work)
- Harrison’s custom 4-octave frequency ranges; first developed for the 32C console in 1975.
- Harrison’s custom “Q” knob is optimized for use with control surfaces.
- High-precision RTA analyzer retains full resolution in the low frequencies.
- 5 eq bands and 2 filters are provided for optimum compatibility with Avid control surfaces.
- EQ curve appears on Pro Tools mixer window, and control-surface displays (AAX only) .


Last releases for a while...
We won't be active for the next few months...

Real life duties, ya know :)
Enjoy what you have, learn how to use it
to its full potential and stop crying for more!

We'll be back one day or another, in the meanwhile
support good developers and hard working teams!
Thx to all supporting people and friends in the scene!

官网: https://harrisonconsoles.com/site/ava-plugins.html

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