Harrison Mixbus 32C v5.0.208 Incl Patch and Keygen-R2R

Team R2R | Respect of the Aged Day | 99 MB


Mixbus32C is a full-featured workstation with a recreation of the Harrison 32C mixer.

Mixbus32C provides professional-level features to import or record an unlimited number of audio or MIDI tracks to your computer; then edit, mix and master your production.
Operational Advantages

Because of the way the Mixbus32C mixer page is laid out, the most commonly used controls are displayed and are accessible at all times using a rich, high contrast, GUI design that gracefully and accurately emulates the original hardware version of the Harrison 32C console. This traditional layout not only looks good but allows the engineer to approach the console as if it were a musical instrument, directly affecting the art of mixing and contributing greatly to the success of any given mix.
Analog Performance

Harrison has pioneered the use of high performance computer technology over the last 20 years to provide unmatched processing power in the world's largest mixing environments. By keeping up with these incremental technological steps through the decades, Harrison can now faithfully emulate the beautifully designed analog signal processing designs of the past and incorporate them into a full function "True Analog" mixing console within the digital audio workstation environment.
More Equalization

Each Mixbus32C channel strip incorporates an exact emulation of the original Harrison 32C parametric four-band sweepable EQ with a separately switchable filter section including second order high-pass and low-pass filters. Every resistor, capacitor, and transistor was modeled. To run this complex DSP on every channel strip was impossible just 5 years ago.
More Buses

Mixbus32C provides 12 stereo mix buses, each with individual level control, latency compensation, and associated master channel incorporating the highly successful Harrison tape saturation, bus compression, and tone control functionality.


x42 plugins are not included because they are beta.

官网: https://harrisonconsoles.com/site/mixbus32c.html

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