Heartlights Music Sounds Progressive House Template Vol.9 for Logic Pro X-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 20 Apr 2022 | 2.28GB


If you are producing Progressive House Music in Logic Pro X and would like to get more inspiration for your tracks, 'Progressive House Template Vol. 9 (Logic Pro X)' is the perfect pack for you. A great way for you to start your track with a perfect mixed & mastered project and see the inside of a Professionally produced track. Learn the secrets of the drums, bass, and synths of this style. This 100% Royalty-Free product includes the arrangement of the buildup (as heard in the audio demo) with chain effects, MIDI data, automation, samples, and presets.

What do I get?
The Logic Pro X template as heard in the demo
All MIDI and Audio channels with FX chains and mixing included
All the MIDI files included
All the Audio files included
100% Royalty-Free

What can I learn from this product?
Study how the arrangement was put together
Find out which techniques were used to build tension within the track
Learn from studying each individual track (MIDI / Audio)
Find out how the mixing was done, and how each track was processed
Learn how the bassline patterns were designed
Learn from the synth presets included, which settings were used to make each type of sound
Get inspired for your own productions
Overall, an excellent way of learning more about producing Melodic/Progressive House Music in Logic Pro X

What do I need to open this template?
In order to take full advantage of this project, you will need :
Logic Pro X v10 or higher
ArtsAcoustic Reverb
Dada Life Endless Smile
Creative Filter
LTO Tool
FabFilter Pro-Q3, Pro-L 2,
Voxengo SPAN Plus
Waves SSLComp, Renaissance Axx, OneKnob Pressure, SoundShifter Pitch

官网: https://www.myloops.net/product/progressive-house-template-vol-9-logic-pro-x

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