Hexachords Orb Composer S Pro v1.4.4 CE-V.R

Team V.R | 04 June 2019 | 36 MB


Compose with an Artificial Intelligence

Orb Composer is a creative tool which you can model very precisely to assist you during your music composition work sessions.

What is ORB Composer?
Orb is the name of the first Artificial Intelligence designed for music composers. More than 5 years of research and development were necessary to create this smart tool for composers, bands, orchestrators, to help them experiment new musical ideas and enhance their creativity.

YOU are the artist! Orb Composer doesn’t replace the composer and doesn’t write music automatically. You have to feed Orb with your own choices. Orb creates music mock-ups based on your creativity and only with your musical ideas.

Music environment You can create a complete musical environment according to the ideas you want to experiment. Orb updates in real time according to your new inputs.

Chords progression library Orb Composer embeds a library of chords progression which you can enrich. It Includes many of the chords used in the music industry. Orb Composer provides a complete range of possible harmonic colors.

Create new music styles Create your own music styles and experiment with exotic instruments mixes, chord progressions, time signatures and accurate instruments clip settings.

High quality Thanks to Orb Composer, you can reach the level of high quality required by the TV programs of broadcasting. Focus on the creative part of music before diving into the notes.

Compose music at a higher level
Orb Composer features help you get from musical ideas a complete composition. You can modify this as much as you want, to have the most perfect music composition you were thinking of.

It is always positive to focus on the music structure at a high level before diving straight into the notes.

Before writing a single note, think of music in terms of ideas, intentions and emotions. Orb Composer will turn it into a composition and provide a basis upon which you could then use your creativity and knowledge.

官网: https://bit.ly/2Ihnm0i

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