TZ Group | WAV Presets for Izotope IRIS | 272.28 MB
Lumin IR provides 110 Beautiful Pads for Izotope IRIS using the Lumin Sample Collection as building blocks. Instruments are constructed using 1-3 Samples and take full advantage of the Spectral Features of IRIS and most have Aftertouch assigned to the Filter Cutoff. The intention was to provide musically useful Pads full of texture and movement. All 200 WAVs that form the Lumin Sample collection are also available to explore when creating your own sounds. The Lumin Samples were designed using UHE Bazille and Waldorf Largo.
Updated for Iris 2. Also contains the v1 presets.
Instruments : 110
Samples : 200
This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member Intrinsic. Please show him some love