HOFA IQ-EQ V2.3.0 Full Ked MAC OSX-Cook
AU - VST - VST3 - Pro Tools RTAS
Team Cook | 61.6 MB expanded
NOTE : This is an older version!
If you like it you can use it in "Compatibility Mode" with the newer v3.
::: ENJOY! :::
The HOFA IQ-EQ is, on one hand, a great sounding EQ with:
? Hi- and low-Cut with a steepness of 6/12/24 dB
? four identical bands from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
? arbitrary shelving and peak filter types modeled from analog units
? 64 bit internal processing
? Support for 32 and 64-bit DAWs
On the other hand it allows the ingeniously simple, and simply brilliant,
"Dyn"- function to supervise all set frequencies when necessary.
The higher the value you selected here, the more the gain of the selected
frequency range will be reduced as soon as it becomes too loud or unpleasant.
An example:
Actually the voice sounds in your mix the way it should, but when the singer is
loud, the range around 4000 Hz starts to get annoying.
Previously you had the ability to ignore this (a rather bad solution) or to
automate (rather tedious).
Now you just have to set a band of the HOFA IQ-EQ to 4000 Hz and
raise the "Dyn" value. The orange line dips up and down to show that
the EQ is reacting and that frequency is no longer annoying.
Now all is well. The loud parts of the vocals are no longer a problem, and in the
rest of the take the vocals have not lost their presence and forwardness.
With the IQ-EQ HOFA you can, for example:
? balanced vocals without compromise
? have powerful synths and guitars without having mushy resonances
? a punchy bass that does not rumble
? have drastic corrections made, and to intervene only when it is necessary
? have subtle interventions while mastering without "EQ-ing"?