Home Voice Studio: How to Turn Your PC, Mac, or iPad Into a Recording Studio

English | 9 Jun. 2015 | ASIN: B00ZBQD41K | 54 Pages | EPUB/MOBI/PDF (conv) | 6.1 MB


Home Voice Studio is the fast, easy way to set up and start using your own inexpensive, high-quality home studio in a matter of hours, using your PC, Mac, or iPad; downloadable recording software; and low-cost recording equipment. THIS IS A BASIC GUIDE, designed to get you up and running quickly and easily. Unlike many other how-to books that make you wade through page-after-page of time-wasting filler and specialized information that you don’t really need, Home Voice Studio is less than 40-pages short. It includes all the essential information you need to set up and start using a basic, easy-to-use home voice studio, including purchasing the right equipment, setting up your recording space, and step-by-step instructions on downloading and using WavePad, which offers an excellent combination of user-friendliness and affordability. Home Voice Studio features plenty of images and screenshots to help you get excellent recording and editing results with WavePad.

(PLEASE NOTE: all of the material in this book is included in the author's "YOU SHOULD DO VOICEOVERS!" title, so if you already have that book, you don’t need this one).

官网: http://amzn.to/1FPjQjQ

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