75 Presets for PolyKB II | AudioZ Exclusive | 27.92 KB
A collection of 90 Presets for the excellent PolyKB II synthesizer. The Pads have a very Krautrock/Popol Vuh Feel to them, this synth lends itself very well to this type of sound with plenty of motion and instability, it sounds very analog. The Sequences are fairly complex electro & Retro sounding. All presets make use of the Modulation Wheel and many use Aftertouch for expressive playing.
10 Arps
4 FX & Bass
43 Pads & Keys
33 Sequences
Please note that this bank does not work with the Player, only the full version of polyKB.
This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member who wishes to remain anonymous.
官网: https://hgsounds.com/product/molecules-for-polykb-ii/