Homegrown Sounds SoundScaper v2 x86 VST WiN MAC [free]

x86 VST WiN MAC - 3MB


Introducing the first Homegrown Sounds non-Synthedit plugin for Windows and additionally the first for Intel Mac. It is currently a beta version, but seems fine in tests so far. Please report any bugs/suggestions if you give it a try.

SoundScaper is versatile and great for comb effects, reverbs and endless delays. It is has been included in most of my synths over the last couple of years.

There are only a few presets at the moment, please feel free to send me some if you come up with any good ones. There are lots of randomizers as usual to make using SoundScaper a fun and creative experience! It is not advisable to use the plug in any active projects yet as it may change before official release, but I’d love to hear some feedback especially from Mac users.

The lists don’t have popup menus yet on the Mac, but holding down and dragging up/down will scroll through the list entries. The right mouse button on the windows version will also do this, but the left brings up a popup.

The sliders and Knobs can be fine tuned by holding down ctrl/Command key whilst dragging.

D will reset to the default settings.

I think the rest will be self explanatory, I’ll add more info and audio demos at a later stage.

官网: https://hgsounds.com/product/soundscaper-ii-vst-plugin-for-windows-and-os-x/

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