Homegrown Sounds - Vortex v1.00 + Samples x32 WiN

x32 WiN | AudioZ Exclusive | 244.11 MB


Vortex is a VSTi Multitimbral Sequencer, equally adept as performance player or studio composer. It contains dedicated synths for each of its 12 sequencers … or, if you prefer, you can output any sequencer’s generated midi to your software or hardware instrument of choice … all internal synths, all midi output to your synth or any combination of the two on a sequencer by sequencer basis … it’s up to you!

NOTE: This VST Plugin is 32-bit only!!!

It is a performance instrument with an emphasis on quick and easy music creation and is ideal for creating a dance/RnB/electronic foundation, although it can be used to make almost any style of music. One of it’s most fun and useful features is the series of real-time triggers which allow manipulating the sequences with effects such as Stutter (and programmable stutter), Restart, Half tempo, double step, note ties and mute amongst others. An octave of your keyboard is reserved for the triggers allowing easy sequence transformations. When sync mode is enabled, once all triggers are released the sequence will revert to it’s former playing state.

A great feature is a series of global knobs for subtracting or adding to the internal synth parameters, amongst them Filter Cutoff, Resonance, Filter Decay, VCA (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release), Filter (Attack, Decay, Sustain), Noise Level, FM, Oscillator Mix, and LFO (Speed, Amount, Sustain). These knobs affect all synths simultaneously and so the entire output of Vortex becomes a single morphing and dynamic instrument capable of epic journeys into the unknown. All of these knobs have CCs and it’s strongly advised to set them up on your controller to get the most out of Vortex.

Homegrown Sounds - Vortex v1.00 + Samples x32 WiN screenshot

There is yet another octave of pitch triggers which can transpose the pitch and apply scales to the entire output on the fly, you can enable which sequences will respond to this in the same way as all other triggers. The pitch triggers are completely independent and can transpose to any value, the C4 octave on your keyboard controller is used to trigger them, although they can also be moved to C5 or C6. If you are using the Scale Re-mappers, there is also a great feature called Scale Shift which will shift notes up the selected scale. If a knob is assigned to Scale Shift it becomes a fantastic live performance tool.

Vortex began as a midi application and so the internal sound module is designed to behave as an external midi device. The idea is that you simply dial up presets rather than being faced with actual sound editing, although up to 10 CCs can be overridden in a session to give some sound editing possibilities.

Other features include a Multi-Sequencer which allows assigning multiple sequences to a single key, internal FX using the the TerraNova FX engine, a 16 channel midi mixer and 8 rows of assignable CC Knobs.

Product Features:

- 12 Step Sequencers triggered by midi Notes with a huge range of options.
- Two assignable CC Sequencers per Sequencer which can be used in various modes including Step and Envelope modes.
- Can be used with external midi or the internal sound engine, or a mix of the two.
- 12 real time performance triggers including stutter, programmable stutter, Retrigger, half tempo, Double Step, Tie all Notes.
- Each sequence can be set to respond to any combination of triggers.
- Squash to Scale for each sequencer, allowing notes to be squashed into a desired chord/scale.
- Internal Sound Engine based on 12 adapted Ammonites. Capable of synth sounds as well as over 1200 drum kits.
- TerraNova FX Engine which includes SoundScaper, Delay and three Modulators (capable of modulation effects such as flangers, phasers, filters and pitch shifters).
- A series of performance -+ knobs for the internal synth designed for assigning to knobs on your controller so that the overall Cutoff, Resonance, Release, Filter Release can be altered in real-time.
- Multi-Sequencer which can group combinations of the sequences to a single key which can also be transposed.
- 16 Channel Midi Mixer, each strip controls Volume, Pan, 2 assignable CCs, and Program Change Information.
- CC Mixer which allows selecting up to 8 CC numbers to knobs for real-time manipulation.
- Internal WAV Recorder for recording directly to WAV file straight from the plugin.

This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member who wishes to remain anonymous.

官网: https://hgsounds.com/product/vortex/

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