Hooktheory I and II - Music Theory For Songwriting (Android)

App-Book-Method | AudioZ Exclusive | 144mb


There has never been a music book like this. Hooktheory I is a smart, fun, skill-building journey that concretely teaches you how to craft melodies and chord progressions like professional musicians and gain a deeper understanding and intuition for how music works. Validated by 16,435 musicians like you, Hooktheory I is the best selling how-to music book for instrumentalists, songwriters, producers, and DJs around the world for a reason.

This exploration of melody and chord creation is fun to read, easy to understand, and full of practical knowledge. It contains 41 interactive exercises and 88 audiovisual examples from artists like: Avicii, Beyonce, Journey, Maroon 5, and Taylor Swift that make it easy to see the techniques these successful artists use.

Reading Hooktheory I doesn’t require any previous music knowledge or the ability to read music. On average, it takes about five hours to read (but more to fully absorb) so it isn't a huge time commitment. Dedicate only a few hours to reading this book and gain a lifetime of skills that will give your music that professional edge.

We wrote this book because we were tired of all of the “songwriting” websites and books that talk vaguely of “finding your inspiration” rather than providing concrete tools to improve your music.

With Hooktheory I, we have created an approachable, intuitive resource that directly answers the hard questions: Why do certain chords fit together easily, and others not so easily? How can I get from this chord to that chord? How can I create a great melody? Hooktheory I is a book that will make you say “ah ha!” many times over.

Hooktheory II
When you’re ready to take chords and melodies even further, Hooktheory II is waiting for you. Hooktheory II begins right where Hooktheory I leaves off and gives you deeper insight into composing richer, more sophisticated music. II teaches you how to use seventh chords, embellishments, secondary chords, minor harmony, modes, and modal mixture to further expand and enrich your songwriting.
官网: http://bit.ly/2gZ8Z5C

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