How to Grow Your Voice: Create more sustained tone when you Sing

ilfsn | 40 Minutes | 785MB


What do you think is the worst thing about being a Singer?

For me, it's not practising and feeling like your Voice is not getting anywhere.
It's not even how expensive it can be to chase your dream; auditions, scores, accommodation, clothing, flights, aaarrrggghh!

No, the thing that is the worst for me is that many Singers (and some teachers) can't explain why something sounds good in their Voice or how they have a good technique. Some people "just do it" and it comes out sounding like cashmere. It's so annoying!!

Part of the frustration people experience with trying to grow their Voice isn't actually anything to do with their voice; it's their mindset that's holding them back.

If you can't separate 'Speaking mode' and 'Singing mode' in your head, then your Singing technique is always going to sound speech-like and disjointed.

We are here to increase your options as a Singer. So, depending on what you are singing you can choose to sing in a short, detached way to express anger, OR you choose to sing with a far more fluid, smooth vocal line because you are expressing love, anguish or sorrow.

In an ideal situation the way you perform shouldn't be limited by your Singing technique; with a good technique, you gain many more options. You select depending on the appropriateness to the song you are performing.

In this chat, I give you practical advice on what exercises can start you off on this journey.

There's even one here you can do with a friend!

This is an Intermediate level course. If you haven't done any Singing before, I recommend you look at The ABC of Singing - Audioz

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