How to Play Trumpet in Easy Way

2020 | ASIN : B085DMMV5B | English | Author(s): Louis Harris; Carla Tyler | EPUB | 732 KB


Want To Play The Trumpet Just Like Louis Armstrong Once Did? Then, Keep Reading!

Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong changed the world of jazz forever with his groundbreaking trumpet playing. Any trumpet enthusiast would know who this virtuoso is, and they would give anything to know what his secrets are!

Many have tried to become his equal, but no one has come close… YET!

If you want to be the next Louis Armstrong, or maybe even better, then this is the book you need!

As with all master trumpet players, practice makes perfect. This book will teach you all about the industry tips and tricks that will get your trumpet-playing on point in no time! As a beginner, let this one-stop guide take you one step at a time towards greatness!
In this book, you will learn:

Everything you need to know about the humble trumpet, including how it works, what its different parts are, and assembly basics

What is the right posture for better air intake as well as what postures to avoid
What are the best hand positions for a smoother transition
How you can get better air support without turning blue
How to tune your trumpet to get the best pitch
And many more!

Trumpets have been around since 1500 BC, yet very few have succeeded in mastering them. This is because trumpets are among the most intimidating instruments to learn. The people who succeeded in taming this ancient beast, such as our boy Louis, became hot commodity almost overnight!

If you want to become the life of every party, the star of every show, or if you want your jazz band to stand out from all the others, get this book! You won’t be sorry!

What are you waiting for? Don’t waste another minute!


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