19 SEPTEMBER 2016 | WIN | MAC | 15 MB
HY-Mono takes inspiration from the structure of Oberheim SEM (Synthesizer Expander Module) analog synthesizer. Just like the hardware, HY-Mono has two VCO’s, each with sawtooth or variable-pulse waveforms, but also a Sub/Noise unit. With sync button, the oscillator of VCO2 will be synced to oscillator of VCO1.
Next, we find a filter unit where you can control the balance of lowpass and highpass and turn on the “Bp” button, filter output switch to bandpass. The modulation depth range from -100 to 100 %, and you can switch from two modulation sources, Env2 or LFO.
Changes in HY-Mono v1.1
Improved interface design.
Added Mac version.
Fixed some bugs.
官网: http://hyakken.moo.jp/WordPress/product/hy-mono/