19 JULY 2016 | x32 x64 WIN | 15 MB
HY-Mono takes inspiration from the structure of Oberheim SEM (Synthesizer Expander Module) analog synthesizer. Just like the hardware, HY-Mono has two VCO’s, each with sawtooth or variable-pulse waveforms, but also a Sub/Noise unit. With sync button, the oscillator of VCO2 will be synced to oscillator of VCO1.
Next, we find a filter unit where you can control the balance of lowpass and highpass and turn on the “Bp” button, filter output switch to bandpass. The modulation depth range from -100 to 100 %, and you can switch from two modulation sources, Env2 or LFO.
fixed preset loading issue
fixed delay time sync state not recall correctly
fixed vco frequency displays incorrect value
fixed “go to manual page” linked to wrong page
官网: http://hyakken.moo.jp/WordPress/product/hy-mono/