ILIO The Fame Series Classic Sounds Patches for Omnisphere 2

Patches for Omnisphere 2 | 1.41 MB


The Fame Series pays homage to famous synth sounds used in classic songs. The Fame Series: Classic Sounds focuses on the golden age of synth tones — from the 70s into the early 90s. Borrowing from ABBA, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, Gary Numan, Tears for Fears, Jean-Michel Jarre, Joy Division and more, this collection celebrates synth pioneers of the last century.

The Fame: Classic Sounds for Omnisphere 2
ILIO and Reverb Machine have partnered to introduce a new patch collection series for the Spectrasonics flagship synthesizer Omnisphere 2. The Fame Series pays homage to famous synth sounds used in classic songs. The Fame Series shines the spotlight on hidden hits with stellar synth sounds, and makes them ready for use in your latest tracks. And since these tones are replicated from famous songs, they are designed to sit perfectly in your mix.

The first collection to be released in The Fame Series is Classic Sounds. This special collection focuses on the golden age of synth tones — from the 70s into the early 90s. Borrowing from ABBA, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, Gary Numan, Tears for Fears, Jean-Michel Jarre, Joy Division and more, this collection celebrates synth pioneers of the last century. Whether it's a new track that calls for a classic song's vibe, a cover band needing to accurately replicate these tones, or a starting point for creative explorations, The Fame Series: Classic Sounds is a perennial go-to source for inspiration.

About Reverb Machine

Reverb Machine is the work of Dan Carr, a London based electronic music producer, sound-designer and musician. After working predominantly as a live musician, he started exploring the world of synthesizers, sharing presets and sound design tips on Topics include the synth sounds of popular artists, the generative music techniques of Brian Eno, and music theory. He also produces content for and is tentatively working on a debut album.

Omnisphere 2 from Spectrasonics is required for use and will need to be updated to at least version 2.6 prior to installation of this patch library.


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