imitone beta 0.5.2 Patch And Serial-MPT

MPT| June 27 2014 | 3.04 MB


Compose music with your voice, or any instrument, live. Works with all your favorite music software.

Have you ever awoken from a dream with a melody in your head?

An idea might be vivid when it first comes to you, but if you can't express it, it fades away...

imitone is an app for PC and Mac which transforms your voice into musical notes, live. As you sing -- or whistle, or hum -- imitone instantly converts the sound into "MIDI signals" which can control almost any music software or digital instrument.

Anyone can use it. No set-up is needed: opening the program is just like plugging a musical keyboard into your computer. To hear your voice transformed into a violin or flute, you need only start imitone, select that instrument in your music program, put on some headphones and start singing. It's that simple.

No ear for music? Imitone has you covered. It's designed to help you sing in tune, providing constant feedback on the pitch of your voice. Additional tools like scale-snapping help it to correct your errors.

Works with everything. Because it acts as a MIDI controller, thousands of music programs already work with imitone, including the popular (and free!) GarageBand for Mac. You can control imitone with your voice or a musical instrument, and a regular laptop-quality microphone.

You can use imitone to compose music, perform it live, digitize recordings, dynamically control audio effects, train your singing, or tune your instrument. Other, still stranger uses exist, but those are for you to discover!

The best part: It's not just a promise. Imitone is fully-functional right now, and will be available to backers within a month after this Kickstarter concludes.

Think it's too good to be true?


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