Immense Sounds Deep House Clubzone WAV MiDi-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | April/10th/2017 | 287MB


'Deep House Clubzone' features 10 Construction Kits in WAV & MIDI formats to inspire your next Deep House smash hit. Inspired by all the top Deep House artists from around the world, if you're looking for those huge Deep House moments, look no further than this pack.

......:::::: Kits ::::::......
Each Kit includes all drum parts, from kicks compressed & not compressed, to several percussion loops. Wet and dry loops for all the main parts are also included, with filter up and down loops, plus wet tails for pad parts.

All MIDI parts are included along with a mixdown demo for each Kit. Folder structure is smartly arranged for ease of use. You have complete control as each Kit will give you song ideas to start your next Deep House smash.

......:::::: Advantages With MIDI ::::::......
With MIDI you have the ultimate in flexibility being able to edit notes, velocity and assign your own sound. These are easily imported to any DAW by either drag and drop or import MIDI options in your DAW.

These MIDIs are also a great source of inspiration for those writers block moments. Even the pros need motivation and inspiration from time to time. You can learn how these sounds have been constructed and change/tweak the MIDI to your own taste.

......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
? Format: WAVs & MIDIs
? 10 x Deep House Construction Kits (Including: Stems/Loops, MIDIs Files)
? 10 x FullMix/Preview Demos
? Drum Kick Compressed/Uncompressed
? Several Percussion Variation WAV Loops
? (Wet) & (Dry) WAVs Loops
? (Wet-Tails) For Pads Parts
? MIDI Folders For All Parts In Each Kit
? (MixDown) For Each Kit
? Recorded At 122 BPM
? 262 x Individual WAVs Files
? 034 x Individual MIDIs Files
? 306 x Files In Total
? Key And Tempo-Labelled
? 44.1kHz 16-Bit High Quality
? Compatible With All DAWs
? PC & Mac Compatible
? 100% Royalty-Free

......:::::: DEMO/PREViEW ::::::......


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