Isotonik Studios Lambda II v1.4 by Riccardo Sellan Real-Time Granular Effect Ableton MaxForLive Device ALP

Ableton MaxForLive Device ALP | AudioZ Exclusive | 4.69 MB


Lambda II is a Max for Live device for real-time granular effect. It allows you to granulate the incoming audio signal in real-time or to granulate a frozen portion of it through a 8-voice polyphony. The incoming audio can be viewed through an easy sonogram.

Lambda II can also generate grains in sync with the Ableton Live tempo working as a step sequencer. The grains can be generated via MIDI input.

Pitch and amplitude parameters can be individually applied to each voice.

The parameters are:

Freeze | freeze audio input to work on the frozen buffer audio portion. If it is Off, Lambda processes the audio input in real-time (you can store your frozen buffer within the project);
Step | step sequencer mode in sync with Ableton Live tempo
Buffer size | length in seconds of the audio portion on which Lambda works (from 1s to 60s)
Gain | gain of input audio signal
Recycle (pre or post) | recycle/overdub the dry (not granulated) or wet (granulated) audio signal on the input stream
Position | position to granulate with randomness
Reverse | reversed grains percentage
Filter | each voice filters the audio stream into an individually granulated band
Duration | grain duration (from 0.1 ms to 5 s) with randomness
Density | grain density in percentage with randomness
Envelope | general envelope function with attack and shape parameter
Spray | stereo spatialization
Dry/Wet | dry/wet ratio
Volume | output volume.

Transpose | transpose all voices (from -24 st to +24 st)
Tune | fine-tuning in cents
Detune | detune all voices
Glide | smooth factor for Detune parameter

Delay | apply a delay on each voice. If random delays are used, each generated grain will have a different delay value
Slide | interpolation time between one delay value and the next for each grain
Feedback | apply feedback on the delay network with randomness.

MIDI | grains can be played via MIDI input with velocity sensitivity.

Minimum system Requirements:


Intel? CoreTM2 Duo processor. Intel? CoreTM i5 processor or faster recommended – 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
1280×800 display resolution
Core Audio compliant audio interface recommended


64-bit Intel? (Intel? CoreTM i5 processor or faster recommended) or AMD multi-core processor.
4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
1366×768 display resolution
ASIO compatible audio hardware for Link support (also recommended for optimal audio performance)

Compatibility: Ableton Live 11 Suite or Ableton Live Standard with MaxforLive | Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live Standard with MaxforLive (PLEASE NOTE: Live 10 | no MIDI input) | Ableton Live 9 Suite or Ableton Live Standard with MaxforLive (PLEASE NOTE: Live 9 | no MIDI input).

V1.4.0 Release 24/3/2023

New features:

Save frozen buffer within the project. It works with Collect All and Save, Audio Effect Rack, and Preset;
Buffer site maximum length set to 60 seconds;
The random position parameter is now working starting around the position value.

Fixed bugs:

No black window/screen when Lambda II is opened;
Optimizing general CPU consumption for GUI.

This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member hosnschortn
Thank you for supporting AudioZ!


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