iZotope RX 11 Audio Editor Advanced v11.0.1 CE-V.R

Team V.R | Date: 2024.5 | Size: 1.01 GB


Trusted by professional audio engineers to quickly and reliably deliver clean sound. Things break. So does audio. Recorded sound is rarely perfect—?in fact, it's often in really bad shape. That's why you need RX, the industry standard for audio repair that helps restore, clean up, and improve recordings in post-production, music, and content creation.

Text Navigation
Even if you love spectrograms as much as we do, navigating long dialogue files can be time-consuming, especially when seeking specific events in a recording. Now you can see what you hear with the new Text Navigation function. It analyzes dialogue and displays a text transcription above the spectrogram that's in sync with the corresponding audio. So you can now search for specific words in an audio file and also select and edit the recording using text.

Multiple Speaker Detection
Are you working on a single audio track with more than one speaker? Save time navigating through the file by using Multiple Speaker Detection to help find and tag the sections of speech associated with each individual voice. This is incredibly helpful especially when different speakers require different processing.

Repair Assistant Plug-in
If you’re new to audio repair, or you just want to save time, try the new Repair Assistant Plug-in, which uses machine learning to find and fix audio issues quickly without leaving your DAW. The Assistant automatically recognizes specific problems and intelligently proposes a repair chain that you can modify to your liking with easy-to-use dials. More than just an upgrade of the previous Repair Assistant, this plug-in was built from the ground up.

Upgraded Spectral Recovery
Is your recording lacking highs and lows? Was it recorded on a mobile phone or using non-studio-grade equipment? Spectral Recovery can help to bring life back to thin-sounding audio to match the rest of your productions. The new version improves upon the quality of re-synthesized upper frequencies and can now add missing lower frequencies, too.

De-Hum Dynamic Adaptive Mode
Save time removing unwanted hum with the new Dynamic Adaptive Mode in De-hum. Get rid of hums and buzzes on the fly, without having to spend time learning the noise profile of your audio. Eliminating electromagnetic interference or other complex noise that changes pitch can now be done automatically without sacrificing quality.

官网: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/rx.html

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