FREE 08 December 2015 | 2.56 MB
J1000 has released DQ65, a new free dynamic EQ effect plugin available in VST format for Windows music programs.
DQ65 features two gain controls per filter, one for high levels of input signal and other for low input signal. In this way you can increase or decrease the “Input Singal” to utilize it’s range completely. Standard parametric equalizers have three parameters – central frequency, Q factor and gain amount. All other controls function are the same as those you already know from other EQ plugins, and as from other J1000 equalizers – Orange control central frequency, blue ones Q factor and Purple frequency of cut filters.
DQ65 free equalizer plugin was created primarily to use in mixing, especially for instruments and sounds with wide and varying dynamic range.
Main Features:
5 peak minimum-phase stereo filters Two gain controls per filter, for high and low amplitudes Scalable envelope follower that determines high/low blending Low and high-cut filters with two slopes (1st/2nd order for LCF, 2nd/3rd for HCF filter) Band-pass monitoring for each peak filter 32-bit internal precision with zero latency Low CPU consumptionJ1000 DQ65 is available for free download and can be used just on Windows (32-bit VST), being in VST format. Besides the plugin, the download also includes a brief guide where you can learn how to use the main functions of DQ65 plugins.
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