JFilt The 12 Pad Chord Manual 2015 RETAIL eBook-DRUMKIDS

DRUMKIDS | March 25 2017 | 3 MB


After the great responses from Essential HipHop Chords and The 16 Pad Scale Manual, I decided to show love to the 12 pad users. This came as a result of those wanting to use these ebooks but only had 12 pads as in the MPC500. Since the algorithm changes for 12 pads, the decision was made to create a similar technique for those with the MPC 500, MPK 25, MPK 49 or any other drum machine with the 3×4 grid formation. Instead of having to wait for both ebooks to be released one at a time, I decided to write and release these guys together since they make the perfect match. If you want to elevate your beats to the next level and gain the ability to sound like a live musician, these ebooks are for you! Creating melodies along with your own chord combinations have never been so easy with 12 pads until now. Have fun!

12 Pad Chord Manual Features

12 essential chords in all 12 keys
144 easy to read picture diagrams of 12 pads
Includes chords that can be used for any genre
Teaches you chord names that can be used to increase your musical vocabulary

Facts about this eBook

Must have 12 Pad drum machine in 3×4 grid formation
PDF file format for universal access
No musical training required
Works for all beatmakers at any skill level
Perfect compliment to The 12 Pad Scale Manual

官网: http://www.howtomakeverysickbeats.com/12padchordscalemanual/

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