x64 x86 vst au win mac, 20mb
Easy EQ the sound with the 15 band graphic equalizer. Afterwards, compress the signal.
1. jEq15Comp supports Windows/64bit/VST2/VST3 ***VST3 will be uploaded later*** Mac/64bit/AU 32bit will not be supported unless enough requests.
2. Use the noise gate to cut unwanted signal in between silent parts. Use the Eq to shape the sound. Compress the signal. It's that simple.
3. Hover over each knob or buttons to find out what it does.
4. Preset loader/save. I will be making presets at some point to add to the plugin.
5. Advanced controls. Added for those who want more control over settings. Example, attack and release settings for the compressor.
6. Change background color for both Main controls and Advanced controls. Currently there is only 2 color modes.
官网: https://www.jhudstudio.com/paid-plugins