Kadenze Piano II Focus on Reading Session 1-3 TUTORiAL

Kadenze Piano II Focus on Reading TUTORiAL | 311 MB


This course presents six sessions in which the student continues to expand their knowledge of piano technique, repertoire and musical concepts, including eighth notes, treble C pentascale, G pentascales, sharps and flats and intervals of 4ths, 5ths and 6ths. Each session contains a video lecture presented by the Instructor, piano practice assignments and graded assignments that include a quiz about music terms, theory and/or ear training and a video assessment of the student playing selected piano technique and repertoire. The course also includes a graded assignment for two concert reviews, which can be completed at any time during the course, and a final exam in which the student will perform a memorized piece of music of the Instructor’s choice for an audience.

Session 1: Eighth (8th) Notes
Play Db, Ab and Eb Major 5-finger patterns and arpeggios. Play D Major I-IV-I-V7-I chord progression. Demonstrate knowledge of reading and playing eighth (8th) notes. Choose and play a piece by ear. Play the required repertoire with proper fingering, notes, rhythm and musicality. Define given music terms and demonstrate knowledge of the associated music theory.

Session 2: Treble Space Notes: F-A-C-E
Play F Major and Bb Major I-IV-I-V7-I. Play treble space notes F-A-C-E going up and down. Play the required repertoire with proper fingering, notes, rhythm and musicality. Define given music terms and demonstrate knowledge of the associated music theory.

Session 3: Treble C Pentascale
Play a piece utilizing imitation. Play and read the notes of a treble C pentascale. Play the required repertoire with proper fingering, notes, rhythm and musicality. Define given music terms and demonstrate knowledge of the associated music theory.

Special For Articstorm, here all 3 Sessions, no need make double

官网: https://bit.ly/1dA2VKl

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