kiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate & Slate Digital bundle v1.8.20 CE-V.R

Team V.R | 13 October 2021 | 1.11 GB


Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE includes all the snapin hosts to take full advantage of the snapins you now own. Experience the flexibility of endless combinations between the effects and the host plugins!

Moving outside of the snapin eco-system, all other Kilohearts' plugins still support the modular workflow in one way or another (except kHs ONE). That's why kiloHearts created the kiloHearts Toolbox ULTIMATE which gives you everything they have ever released so you can get as creative as you like.

Explore the hundreds of professional factory presets throughout these plugins by various professional preset makers and artists from around the world (but mostly Germany by some fluke). Just Phase Plant alone has over 400 carefully curated presets to start you off before getting into modifying, and creating your own.

Featuring every snapin available, this bundle has you covered as far as sound design goes. Creative effects and utility tools in a great mix to get your inspiration going.

As you use more and more snapins the unified form language starts making your life easier, as you instantly recognize the recurring components and design patterns. Familiar interfaces will help speed up your process, and working exactly the same in every DAW makes these tools indispensable to the hardened professional that has to work across platforms while collaborating with artists and production teams around the globe.


1.8.20 2021-10-12

-- General
* Fixed a problem with content banks not showing up when they should
-- Convolver
* Fixed a crash that could somewhat randomly happen when processing IRs
* Fixed a problem with the maximum delay time being incorrectly capped


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