Klevgrand Syndt v1.0.0 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)-R2R

Team R2R | 22 Dec 2018 | WIN: 10.4MB | OSX: 22.5MB


Polyphonic Synthesizer
Syndt is a high quality polyphonic synthesizer with a lot of possibilities. The oscillator waveform can be morphed between pure sine to pure square, and supports altering of pulse width. Both the shape and pulse width can be modulated by two independent LFOs. With fine-tuned low pass and high pass filters combined with a separate filter attack setting, (optionally based on velocity) this synth can create some raw and interesting sounds.

The additional LFO can be shaped exactly as the oscillator, and optionally controls filters, gain and pitch (using a modulation wheel or just automatically). This LFO can be synchronized to a AUv3 host. Globally there’s a nice stereo chorus, ping pong stereo delay (that also can sync to a AUv3 hosts BPM) and EQ.

70+ professionally made presets
XY pad based oscillator and LFO (PWM on the X axis and morphs between sine and square on the Y axis)
Independent mini-LFO (sine only) for each axis of the oscillator XY-pad.
LP / HP filter with resonance
LP Filter can be velocity sensitive
LP Filter has an optional attack time
LFO can affect LP filter, HP filter, gain level and pitch
LFO has an optional attack time
LFO can be synchronized with an AUv3 host (AUv3 mode only!)
Ping pong delay
Stereo Chorus
Three-band EQ
Legato mode with glide speed parameter
Pitch bend range

官网: https://klevgrand.se/products/syndt/

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