Komorebi Audio Modern Trap Vocals and Rap Acapellas Vol 2 WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 02 February 2021 | 204 MB


After the huge success of our first vocal sample pack it only made sense to follow up with the sequel.

Modern Trap Vocals & Rap Acapellas Vol 2 treads the same ground as the original but the sounds provided in Vol 2 are in a class of their own.

This sample pack contains 200 high-quality trap vocal loops and rap one shots inspired by Modern Trap Music, UK Drill, and Grime and performed by South London MC, Jamell René.

The vocal recordings took place at pirate studios in Notting Hill, West London while the mixing and post production was carried out by Skit at the Komorebi Audio studio in Herts, UK.

To capture the bass heavy and gritty tone of Jamell’s voice we opted to use an SM7B broadcast style microphone and ran it through a Neve Preamp plugin and a classic LA-2A replication from Universal Audio.

The recordings are provided as dry vocals (vocals with minimal processing and no fx), wet vocals (vocals featuring delay reverb and other classic vocal fx) and glitch vocals (vocals heavily modulated, retriggered and creatively mangled).

If you are looking for high quality and authentic trap vocals and rap acapellas, this sample pack has got you covered!


This sample pack contains only vocal samples. All other sounds from the demo track were taken from the Komorebi Audio sample packs “UK Drill & Crepuscular Trap” and “Night Glow Trap Melodies”.

官网: https://bit.ly/36wD58A

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