VST WiN | 886.23 KB
Victor is built around 3 'groups'. Each group has 4 OSC's (each of those has 7 diff waveforms) with individual Osc Vol and group PW/PW Depth and Tuning (octave and semi-tone).
Each group had a LP/HP/BP/BR filter with Env and VCA. All envelopes can be inverted.
Each group has Pan and Volume, as well as an X-Y pad. (osc1 at top left, osc 2 top right, osc3 bot right, osc4 bot left)
There is also and extensive BPM Synced LFO (6 waveforms) for each Group and a global MOD section (Mod Wheel/Aftertouch/Velocity).
The Main section has controls for Bend Range/Vel Sensetivity/Mono-Poly-Legato Mode/Portamento Time.
Victor has no onboard FX.
官网: https://www.kara-moon.com/index.php?modid=mod04&l_submenu_id=m001_04_07