Lakeside Audio Isola Pro FX v2.0 WiN x86 x64-BROCCOLI

Team BROCCOLI | WiN x86 x64 | 3.20 MB


Isola Pro FX is an innovative and new audio plugin for separating audio input material into its components like vocals, instruments and even drums. Unlike many other products using simple left and right channel subtraction methods, this algorithm works in real time by using psychoacoustic analysis.

So the great advantage compared to state of the art products is the fact, that you can extract any feature you want out of a mix in real time. So the tool is not restricted to vocals only but can even extract single instruments like guitars from an audio mix.

Please note that the quality of the result depends much on the input material - with most songs, Isola Pro FX really works pretty good, but with very dense and noisy mixes with lots of instruments it will reach its limitations.

Isola Pro FX reveals new capabilities to you in creative audio processing:

Isolate vocals from songs where the original tracks have been lost and use them in new remixes.

Extract instruments like fast guitar solos out of dense mixes to learn the single notes.

Get the drum loops out of cool old songs and use them in new arrangements.

Extracted drums, vocals and instruments can be routed to different channels and directly be remixed in your DAW.

Please read also the user manual for a detailled description of the available functions.


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