Learn 14 Chord Progressions for Guitar in 14 Days: Extensive Resource for Songwriters and Guitarists of All Levels

English | 2019 | ISBN: 1797588605 | 74 pages | PDF | 3.98 MB


Do you want to learn the basics of chord progressions so you can be a better songwriter and guitar player? Then this is the book for you!
Learn 14 Chord Progressions for Guitar in 14 Days seems pretty self-explanatory, but there’s so much more to it than just progressions, Roman numerals, and the Nashville Number System. For songwriters and guitar players, knowing chord progressions is the foundation for crafting unforgettable harmonies and rhythms.

You’ll learn:

*Basic Chord Theory
*Dozens of Major and Minor Triads and Seventh Chords
*How to Play Each Progression in Six (6) Different Keys
*How to Play Each Progression in Six (6) Different Music Styles
Other concepts covered include:
?Barre Chords
?6/8 Meter

Plus, all of the “real world” music examples are presented in rhythm guitar tab so you can quickly get them off the page and onto your fretboard!
With hundreds of 5-star reviews, Troy Nelson's guitar lesson books are meticulously written, edited, and proofed by Troy himself, a lifelong author and editor.
All guitar examples are demonstrated in clear, expertly formatted tab and include an audio demonstration track recorded by Troy, so you never have to go it alone.

From the author of the #1 best-seller Guitar Aerobics (Hal Leonard), Troy Nelson once again brings his easy-to-follow guitar teaching style to this helpful guitar lesson book.
FREE access to instant audio downloads from Troy’s website included.
Free shipping with Amazon Prime.

About Troy Nelson: Troy Nelson is the former Editor of top guitar magazines Guitar One (sister publication of Guitar World) and Guitar Edge. After earning a degree in Occupational Music, Nelson launched his music editing career at Hal Leonard Corporation, the world's largest print music publisher. He's a life-long guitar player whose passion is helping others learn to love the guitar as much as he does.

Here's what others have to say about guitar lesson book author Troy Nelson:

"Troy Nelson, guitar god." – Amazon reviewer
"I'm a total fan of Troy's books and method of learning." – Amazon reviewer
"Troy Nelson, former editor of my favorite guitar magazines." – Amazon reviewer
"His brilliance is his ability to break the project down into practical, bite-sized daily medicine and, at the same time, add a nice flavor to the dose." – Amazon Reviewer, Fretboard Freedom
"I must say, I have noticed a big improvement in my playing. My wife no longer tells me to turn it down or off." – Amazon Reviewer, Guitar Aerobics
"Another winner from Troy Nelson." – Amazon reviewer, Rhythm Guitar 365
"I LOVE this book. It's my first purchase from Troy Nelson, and it's got me interested in his other books" – Amazon reviewer, One-Man Guitar Jam

官网: https://amzn.to/2IkjR9f

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