LiquidSonics Reverberate 2.000 Windows


Reverberate 2 is a modulated true-stereo hybrid convolution reverb audio processor for Mac and PC. Using a unique mix of advanced signal processing technology it creates a unique rich and dynamic reverb with unrivaled sonic capabilities.
Introducing Fusion-IRs
Reverberate 2 introduces Fusion-IRs, an innovative approach to convolution reverb creating a lively, organic reverberation that is impossible to achieve with traditional static convolution.
Fusion-IR processing captures the evolving character of time-varying reverbs using multiple true-stereo reverb streams that are processed simultaneously. The inputs to the convolution streams are modulated and the outputs fused into a rich, captivating space that mixes effortlessly with your music.
Fusion-IRs contain separately sampled early and late reverb components for a level of mix control never before found in convolution reverbs or sample packs.
Creative Convolution
By using a modulated mix of two separately controllable true stereo or Fusion-IRs incredibly musical and convincing reverbs are possible far surpassing traditional convolution plugins.
Further modulation is possible using post-processing effects including an all-pass interpolator chorus, modulated delay, modulated EQ and separately controllable early / late reverb pitch modulators.
Feature Gallery
Dual True Stereo and Fusion-IR Reverb Processors
The dual reverb processor manipulation views (IR1 and IR2) are shown below using different impulse response modes (true-stereo, Fusion-IR and synthetic IR).
Comprehensive Effects
Pre-convolution effects include dedicated time-varying equalisers to control how an EQ develops as a reverb tail progresses. Split early/late pitch modulation can provide a spin and wander modulation effect to the early and late components of a reverb.
Here the browser is hidden to reduce the space taken on-screen.
Reverberate (EQ editor view) Reverberate (EQ editor view) Reverberate (post-effect chorus view)
Post-convolution effects can be used to increase the motion within a reverb. Delay and chorus can be applied to IR1, IR2 and the master chains independently, and a modulated EQ runs on the master.
Reverberate (post-effect EQ view) Reverberate (mixer view) Reverberate (mixer view)
Flexible Mixing and Routing
The final mix page where panning, gain and mix modulation can be applied is shown. The settings page where global plugin controls are made precedes a montage of alternative interface themes.

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