London Acoustics Enna 2 X64 WiN [UNCRACKED]

X64 WiN | 2024 | 1.2 GB


Enna and Telge are official third-party plugins for N4 Player

Enna and TELGE 2 ENHANCER Plugin Bundle is our answer to the now twenty year old problem of making an ITB audio source sound as authentic as an analogue production, without the need of the use of any external gear.

ENNA 2 ANALOGUE ENHANCER is an emulation of 3 reputable Mid/High frequency enhancers combined… on steroids! It features the same amazing characteristics, such as their EQ curves and saturation, but instead of being a static program recallable with just an on/off button, it’s possible to continuously fine tune every aspect of the affected signal – for your DAW automation joy.

TELGE 2 ITB TUBE REVITALISER is a sampled program of a special analogue-tube custom gear rig. This multi-effect plugin is intended to be used in SEND/RETURN configuration only (that means to be set in parallel with the source tracks). It helps to make any dull or not so convincing ITB-generated track sound way more authentic.

It’s also very addictive when used as a blend/glue tool for the famous “rear buss” technique, instead of the classic compressor. It features a single control knob, sweeping form a balanced EQ response to a little more extreme one.

What makes Enna and Telge enhancer bundle so special?
The use of these single plugins or, even better, the combination of both, will form a crucial addition to your ITB tools arsenal. The result will be the general enhancement of dynamics, a selective frequency-range saturation, and a general sound enrichment and openness to your tracks. Your tracks and mixes will never sound as good they are now.


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