Loopmasters Broken Beat The Definitive Drum Library Vol.1 MULTiFORMAT-DYNAMiCS

Team DYNAMiCS | Dec 2009 | 355.96 MB


Exploring the realms of Broken Beat, Nu-Jazz, Lounge and more! From the creators of the hugely successful Reel People Broken Beat, Nu Jazz and Soul Samples series comes: Broken Beat - The Definitive Drum Library Vol. 1

Supervised by Reel People leader and Papa Records founder Oli Lazarus, this collection features over 250 MB of sounds, used on releases from artists such as Domu, Reel People, Blaze, Osunlade, Jon Cutler, Dennis Ferrer and DJ Spinna.

This awesome and totally original collection of Broken Beats contains 134 Drum loops, 153 Drum Hits including 58 Percussion Samples, 27 Hats, 33 Snares, 35 Kicks, plus 35 Bonus Bass Tones, and 22 Sound FX. The collection comes with ready to play patches for all soft samplers including 10 Drum Kit Patches, 35 Bass Patches and 1 Sound FX patch. You can also get Apple Loops version, a Reason Refill or Ableton Live pack with relevant patches should you prefer this.

Over 300 samples exploring the realms of Broken Beat, Nu-Jazz, Lounge and more featuring authentic live instrumentation broken down into easy to use loops and individual hits.

This collection is key for anyone working with any genre from Bossa to Tech.

- 134 Broken Beat Loops
- 153 Drum Hits
- 35 Bass Hits
- 22 Fx Hits
- 53 Patches for Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Sfz and Nnxt Soft Samplers
- BPM Range: 118-136

官网: https://www.loopmasters.com/products/352-Broken-Beats-The-Definitive-Drum-Library

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