Loopmasters Halftime Drum & Bass WAV

WAV | 1.01 GB


Loopmasters present Halftime Drum & Bass, a sluggish and serious collection of deep, head nodding sounds for use in your stripped back sound system assaults. Fans of Ivy Lab, Alix Perez, Eprom, Sam Binga, Great Dane and the 20/20 LDN label will find plenty of 100% royalty free sonic treats within to line their tunes with.

This one’s a big instalment, with over 1.65 GB of maximum quality content. Deep, subby bass rumbles and twisted, sci-fi tinted synth samples can be used to shape a unique soundscape, whilst punchy kicks and slapping snares can be used as anchors to support your sustained sounds. SFX, atmospheres, pads, percussion and tops will provide the ear candy you need for a varied and interesting structure, all with varied degrees of wonky and wicked vibes.

At a pace of 85bpm, these loops can be used in the named genres, but also lend themselves well to LA beats and hip-hop.

In detail, expect to find 1.65 GB of content, with all audio at 24Bit & 44.1KHZ. There are 52 bass loops, 51 synth loops, 42 percussion loops, 41 FX loops, 40 full drum loops, 38 pad loops, 27 top loops, 16 atmosphere loops and 1 kick loop. One-shots are 74 FX, 61 drum hits, 54 bass hits, 36 synth hits and 15 pads.

官网: https://www.loopmasters.com/genres/157-Halftime/products/9698-Halftime-Drum-Bass

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