Lynda – Pro Tools 12 Essential Training: 101 updated 23 March 2017 TUTORiAL

P2P | March 23 2017 | 1.91 GB


Unlock the power of Pro Tools. In collaboration with Avid Technology (the makers of Pro Tools), we have teamed up with Frank D. Cook, Avid Master Instructor and author of the Pro Tools 101 course book, to create Pro Tools 12 Essential Training: 101. Frank translates Avid's official training into an online course covering all of the fundamentals necessary to get started using Pro Tools with confidence. The lessons are designed to help you overcome the challenge of the software and get you started creating your own sessions and final mixes. Frank starts by explaining some basic concepts of digital audio and providing an overview of the Pro Tools software. He quickly moves into creating a Pro Tools session and recording tracks, including importing media and working with MIDI. He then demonstrates how to select, navigate, and edit audio within Pro Tools 12. The course wraps up by demonstrating basic mixing and automation techniques, creating a session backup, and bouncing down a final mix. You'll also get some of Frank's favorite tips and tricks for using Pro Tools in a real-world audio production workflow.

Topics include:

* Getting started with Pro Tools menus, windows, and edit tools
* Creating a session
* Creating a click track
* Recording audio
* Importing audio and video
* Recording, viewing, and editing MIDI data
* Selecting and navigating within tracks
* Adding markers
* Editing clips
* Creating fade effects
* Mixing tracks and adding automation
* Backing up a session
* Bouncing a mix to disk


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