MAAT Digital LINpro v4.1.1 Incl Emulator-R2R

Team R2R | 06 Dec 2021 | 7.7MB


A Low Cost Entry Into A More Linear World.

Dither is the missing link between distortion and clarity, and LINpro offers more precision, choice and control.

LINpro is our rethinking of redithering; the final link between production and delivery. Sharing the same user interface, MAAT's two channel LINpro and multichannel LINsurround are your final link between production and delivery. Offering optional word length reduction and seven modern noise shaping spectra tailored to both analog and digital delivery of assets, LIN is highly adjustable to help create your own signature "sound." In addition to TPD and weighted TPD, LINpro and LINSurround feature four newly developed fifth, eighth and ninth order psychoacoustic noise shaping choices.

LINpro and LINSurround incorporate the latest advances in auditory and psychoacoustic research. Older, outdated dithering engines rely on decades–old approaches to the problem. We at MAAT evaluated our original LINearise engine and realized that we could "do it" even better, implementing a more accurate, mathematically superior approach plus new thinking on both the User Experience (UX) and how you want your master to sound. Whether you're delivering a 16-bit Red Book dupe master, a 24-bit "high res" 88.2k file to today's higher fidelity streaming services, or multichannel 48k stems for video and motion picture surround work, the LIN family will take you there with the best sounding tracks obtainable.

Dither is a fundamental aspect of today's DAWs. Although not usually thought of as such, re-dithering is essential DSP (Digital Signal Processing). In the distant past, much of the pioneering research on dither was performed at Bell Labs. According to information theory, you should add a pinch of noise to your digital audio every time you change it to keep it distortion–free and to embed program content in the noise floor. That's dither. Use it to make your digital audio less..."digital!"

LIN: highly adjustable, versatile, easy to use. Grab a copy and start making better sounding music.

A witch says,
Enjoy this ture emulator work of
Nalpeiron/Zentitle. AAX works in
legit ProTools as expected.


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