FREE | 16 July 2022 | 153 MB
In a previous post, we described the details of NSynth (Neural Audio Synthesis), a new approach to audio synthesis using neural networks. We hinted at further releases to enable you to make your own music with these technologies. Today, we’re excited to follow through on that promise by releasing a playable set of neural synthesizer instruments:
? An interactive AI Experiment made in collaboration with Google Creative Lab that lets you interpolate between pairs of instruments to create new sounds.
? A MaxForLive Device that integrates into both Max MSP and Ableton Live. It allows you to explore the space of NSynth sounds through an intuitive grid interface.
The goal of Magenta is not just to develop new generative algorithms, but to “close the creative loop”. We want to empower creators with tools built with machine learning that also inspire future research directions. Instead of using AI in the place of human creativity, we strive to infuse our tools with deeper understanding so that they are more intuitive and inspiring. We hope that these instruments are one small step in that direction, and we’re really excited to see what you make with them.