Kontakt | 6,12 MB
This is a build of my old 'Stadium mandolin' , (very cheap, made of Plywood) , and my case cost more then the mandoline!!
It dosent sound to bad, and I did use an old RCA tube PreAmp with a nice old LM-8 condenser mic to record it.
My approach was to get a nice set of single string hits, with another set emulating the fast Pick / Flutter of what a mandolin sounds like. (I did this thru the Round Robin feature in kontakt). So this enables you to play half of the keyboard as either single notes, or chords; and then the second half you can do very fast picking with just the use of your mouse!!!!
There are two main sets of builds in here, (Please see the jpeg diagrams);
One set with the single notes and fast pick, another with single note and also fast slides.
Each build also includes 'scrubz' in each nki file. Emulation of your picking hand striking the strings, in a scrubbing technic as used by most manodlin players.
"A very basic version here, and possibly a more serious build to follow in the future!"
INCLuDEz: ( 20 meg / 102 filez / 2 folderz )
- 44 x 24 bit wav samples
- Mandolin / (3 presetz)
官网: http://web.archive.org/web/20150425023606/https://0on3.wordpress.com/