Martinic Elka Panther v1.6.2-TeamCubeadooby

TeamCubeadooby | 09.2024 | 19.6 MB


The Elka Panther 300, also known as the Capri, is a classic Italian combo organ of the 60s.
The instrument produces bold, rich organ sounds and has a wide range of tonal variations (13). The Panthers 16', 8', 4' Stops and Mixture voice levels are adjustable. Each note spans over three octaves, there is bass extension into grey keys and separate volume control for bass octave(s).

Tone Decay adds percussive effect to Mixture voices. The Panther has powerful vibrato with speed and intensity control.

Physical modeling (no samples used) of vintage Elka Panther 300 (1966-1972) and the rare LEM Tape Echo delay effect.
13 treble stops in 4 ranks (16', 8', 4', Mixture), plus 2 bass stops
Treble voice stops: Bourdon 16', Contra Oboe 16', Strings 16', Open Diapason 16', Flute 8', Strings 8', Clarinet 8', Oboe 8', Flute 4', Strings 4', Salicet 4', Mixture I, Mixture II
Bass voice stops: Bass Bourdon 16', Bass Dulciana 16'
Adjustable 16', 8', 4', Mixture, and bass mix
In the harmony control section, the level of the 16', 8', 4' and Mixture voices can be infinitely varied via the knobs
Mixture I "Harsh" and Mixture II "Mellow" are a combination of 3 pitches: 2-2/3', 2' and 1-3/5'
Bass pedal board
Onboard vibrato: on/off, lite/heavy, slow/fast
Tone decay: on/off, adds an attack percussive effect to Mixture tabs
Optical swell (volume) pedal
Rare Lem Echo Music tape delay effect including a 2-channel mixer, tone controls and pan
Fully polyphonic

x64: AAX, VST3, VST2, Clap | x86: VST2

Just install! Same AppID. Old manuals deleted.
(Latest manual is still v1.6.0)

The new VST3 does NOT crash Patchwork any longer.

Rock on!

Version 1.6.2 (September 2, 2024)
Fixed potential crash with VST3 when switching presets.


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