Mister Horse Essential Sound Effects V2 WAV

FANTASTiC | 18 November 2020 | 610 MB


An awesome sound library containing more than 1000 of the most useful sounds. This pack is a must have. It will change the way you approach sound design. Comes in handy for any motion design project!

Now available for Premiere Composer!
This pack works natively with Animation Composer & Premiere Composer! However, you can also download the product as collection of .wav files for use in any software.

What's inside?

Categories: Ambience, Approach, Bass, Beep, Blab, Blast, Bleep, Blip, Blow, Boom, Buzz, Clang, Click, Clink, Crack, Creak, Crumple, Doink, Drone, Glitch, Hiss, Phew, Pop, Puff, Rattle, Rewards, Rumble, Rustle, Shake, Slide, Squeak, Swoosh, Tap & Knock, Transition, Vroom, Whistle, Zip.

?1066 audio files inside 38 categories
?High definition quality sound
?24-bit 48kHz and 92kHz WAV files
?Preview sounds right inside After Effects
?Simple to add, adjust and replace
?Every sound can be transposed and reversed before and after it's added to a composition

What’s new in V2:

?New feature: reverse sound
?More than 528 new sound effects
?New categories: Ambience, Approach, Blab, Blast, Boom, Buzz, Drone, Glitch, Hiss, Rattle, Rewards, Squeak, Vroom
?New sounds in existing categories: Transitions, Beep, Rumble
?The pack was vastly reorganised for easier search and navigation
?If you already own Essential Sound Effects V1, the update is free

官网: https://bit.ly/2ILGB5Z

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