Mixtank.tv In Session With Daniel Orpi TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 09 Apr 2022 | 3.72GB


A rising talent on the underground scene, Daniel Orpi's productions have been signed to labels like Kaluki, CUFF, Criminal Hype, La Pera, Saved and Cr2, and played by tastemakers such as Marco Carola, Claude Vonstroke and Darius Syrossian. With that, we're excited to welcome him to Mixtank with his first production course - a 3-hour start-to-finish studio session that sees him cover every step of writing a track from scratch.

In Session With... Daniel Orpi showcases a raw and unplanned writing session by Daniel which documents his entire production process and gives you an insight into every aspect of his decision-making along the way. Working in Ableton and using a range of plugins by SPL, Waves, FabFilter & Cableguys the tutorial is broken down into 13 chapters covering things like:

- A full studio session with Daniel Orpi as he writes a track from scratch
- How to make his minimal tech house sound in Ableton
- How to create solid, detailed grooves and bass
- How to effectively manipulate audio samples
- How to use popular plugins by FabFilter, Cableguys and TAL

Getting Started With Drums
Moving On To The Bassline
Drum Details & Bassline Tweaks
Adding A Vocal Sample
Detailing The Groove
Adding Textures & Ambience
Starting The Arrangement
Adding Details With A Drum Machine
Creating Transitions With Automation
Crashes & Impacts
Effecting The Vocals
Finishing The Arrangement
Mixing Down

DAW - Ableton

官网: https://mixtank.tv/programs/mtp020

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